Letsip® Starter Pack

Letsip has in coperation with the Norwegian office for life aids chosen a few products for a starter pack. The purpose being to get started training and adapting of the aids for lip, tongue and cheek.

Produktnr: 215793


Pack 1 is for those who can not drink correctly. The straw tip makes the tongue´s rigid movements passive and has a tongue stopper. For best result one should have two bottles with tongue stoppers. Many people must use the Letsip drinking bottle eit tongue stopper over long periods of time, both as maintenance and training. The bottle with the tongue stopper should be used all day.

Pack 2 is for excercising the lip musculature (orbicularis oris) and the interacting musculature. Size varies to gain different difficulties and uses. This pack contain all the S-series products. They can all be sterilized and are dishwasher safe.

Pack 3 for reduced tongue mobility, with ball, especially towards the sides or with tongue deviation. It consists of a selection from the V-series to use as a stimulation pen towards orofacialis regulating therapy and to work on the cheeks, lip and tongue. Sonic vibration turns out to have good effect on increasing muscular activity for a lot of users. Consists of K4, K5, K10L, V0, V1,V2,V3,V4,V5-mouthpiece and one Letsip rechargeable handle.